Yard Cleaning And Grazing
Fraser Farm works alongside with Clark Farm to provide yard cleaning and grazing with the use of sheep and goats.
Have Poison Ivy, Buckthorn, Japanese Knotweed or other Invasives in your yard? Goatscaping will take care of it!
Goats are great at eating away any tall thick brush that is taking over your yard and provide a green way to take care of it.
We are currently only serving the Concord and Carlisle Area (within 15 miles)
If you are interested in having sheep or goats clear the brush in your yard, contact Kyle at:
Rentals Start at $75 per day
(Minimum 3 days)
Yard Cleaning And Grazing

College graduate Kyle Bonenfant has been working at Clark Farm Carlisle for the past 8 years, gaining knowledge about farming and raising livestock. Starting in fall of 2023, Kyle will be atteneding Colorado State University's Veterinary Medicine program. With the help of the farm manager at Clark Farm, Andrew Rodgers, Kyle has started his own custom goatscaping business, Fraser Farm, with 6 goats to help launch his new business.

About the Farmer

Our goal is to get create a green, exciting way to clean your yard. When you rent our sheep and goats, we are dedicated to making sure your yard looks how you expect it to. We Also offer Field Mowing with the use of a Tractor once the the grazing is finished to eliminate any remaining brush.
Sheep and Goats love to eat Poison Ivy, buckthorn, Japanese Knotweed, and many other invasives.
Our sheep and goats not only clean your yard and get rid of brush, but are also bing fun and exciting life to your back yard